Monday, May 3, 2010

Dengue fever & me

Dengue fever is a germ that comes from mosquitoes. It can be life-threatening, and is caused by four closely related virus. The patient feels headache, muscle, joint pains, bored with foods and powerless. This illness will hurt the patient about 2-7 days. I got this fever last year. I felt extremely terrible. I did not want to eat any meals. It was the first time that I did not eat anything all day. The doctor must gave me about six saline solutions in ten days. I felt that I should more take care of myself.
If you do not want to approach to Dengue fever, I have some tips for you...
1.You should check your resident's environment, all the marshes and pools. The mosquitoes can use them as places to lay eggs.
2.You should not stay in the dark place for a long time because many insects love to stay there.
3.If you feel ill or any signs that appear above. You should meet a doctor immediately.
You can click here to watch the video about this illness :)


  1. well done, I like it, and your tips are very helpful and useful.

  2. Well written and very informative. It good that you've given lots of advice as well.
